New paper published by David Valentín!
Within the frame of the European Project XFLEX Hydro, the benefits of hybridizing a hydroturbine with a battery have been studied. In this investigation, a Kaplan turbine has been hybridized with a battery in paral·lel, which can deliver or substract energy to compensate the frequency deviations of the grid. This is an important novel solution to provide flexibility to the grid with fast response at the same time than minimizing wear and tear of the turbine components. UPC has contributed to this work by installing a monitoring system in the unit and performing the comparisons about wear and tear of the main components involved.
New paper published by David Valentín!
Within the frame of the European Project XFLEX Hydro, the benefits of hybridizing a hydroturbine with a battery have been studied. In this investigation, a Kaplan turbine has been hybridized with a battery in paral·lel, which can deliver or substract energy to compensate the frequency deviations of the grid. This is an important novel solution to provide flexibility to the grid with fast response at the same time than minimizing wear and tear of the turbine components. UPC has contributed to this work by installing a monitoring system in the unit and performing the comparisons about wear and tear of the main components involved.