Vibration problem solved in a Kaplan turbine located in Angola

Jul 07, 2023

During March 2023, CDIF-UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya was in a new Kaplan Turbine in Angola. The turbine experienced strong vibrations problems in the Speed No Load phase. In such conditions it is very difficult to determine the origin of vibrations as the blades and other part of the turbines are totally submerged, confined and rotating. Alexandre Presas and Greco Moraga González used all the accumulated experience of the CDIF-UPC in prototype testing and measurements. Finally, the origin of the vibrations was determined, and the unit could go to the next phase of the commissioning tests. It was a pleasure for us to work in the solution of this problem together with Elecnor Group and TRACTEBEL and to contribute to the electrification of Angola with renewable energy.